the fat caterpillar (09 SOE)

Hello. Welcome. Here you will find materials, resources and guidance to assist you in your study of the Visual Arts SOE program. Stuff will be added to this page throughout the year, and your comments on the page are useful to discuss class content and ideas.
A reminder: be sure to have your Visual Journal (VJ) for class and a black fine liner. If there is any trouble getting these please see me ASAP. You can use information and images from this blog for your VJ, and the relationship between you, your VJ and the blog will support your learning - and marks;) Documentation (images and stuff) of your classwork will find its way here too. It's going to get really trippy when you do something in class and we photograph it, upload it to the blog, you print it out and add it to your VJ, your VJ is photographed (selected pages) and then those photos are uploaded to the blog. We'll stop there, because photos of your VJ in your VJ just doesn't make sense.
Anyway, look forward to seeing you all in class.

I love monsters and stuff - they make me feel good about myself (especially the Wolfman). Youtube is littered with home-made clips using images from google and an atmospheric music track - like this. I love clips like this because it shows the science behind some of the popular myths. A lot of the weird looking creatures are actual deep sea creatures that really do look weird, like this, some creatures are staged or photoshopped, like this, but there are a rare few that leave you wondering. Like this one:

 or this:
 or this:
 or the strangest of all!

Have a look online and you'll find tonnes of stuff along the same lines. Post comments when you do find some cool stuff.

Vinyl Toys
Hey I found the artist responsible for the cartoon duck toy I showed ya'll in class. The character's name is 'Number One' and apparently he's a pretty tough customer. Go here to check out the artists stuff.  Very cool. Also check out this blog - devoted to vinyl toys and very exciting.

Busy, busy, busy
We have been, haven't we? Casting stuff in urethane in silicone moulds is not all easy-peasy, but it is a great process to learn.

The Walrus is Airbourne

This is the brand new flying walrus for all your walrus and flying needs.
Actually, this is where you may come and learn stuff about visual art and related cool stuff. Well I think it's cool stuff, and unless you leave comments - your opinion doesn't count.
First thing to do is check out the 'start here' page. Do some looking, some reading, and most importantly - some thinking.